7 incredible benefits of the using aloe vera
It is used in many parts of the world, including in modern medicine, to treat multiple diseases, as well as being used in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries.
Its generic name, aloe, comes from the Arabic term “alloeh”, which means bright and bitter substance. It is also known by the name of aloe. This and other variants are due to the deformation of the Arabic word “kabyle”, which means thorny plant.
It was introduced to the American continent by Christopher Columbus because it was used as a medicine for his crew. In those years, Spain already had considerable plantations of this vegetable, probably left as a legacy of the Muslim invasion.
Aloe vera, for centuries, was used for its medicinal and therapeutic properties, without any clear understanding or scientific analysis of each of its properties. Today, it is used in many parts of the world, including in modern medicine, to treat multiple diseases, as well as being used in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries.
The benefits of this wonderful plant:
- It is hydrating,
- Relaxing,
- Softener,
- Emollient,
- Disinfectant,
- Healing,
- Antibiotic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and refreshing.
Aloe vera Le Pommiere
Aloe Vera is perfect for fighting constipation, colitis, digestion, varicose veins, high blood pressure, and anemia. It helps to stimulate the secretion of insulin, treats hypertension and improves blood circulation. The inner part – that is, the pure aloe Vera juice – is effective in healing wounds and minor sunburns.
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